Some of the places in the world/around the United States currently have snow, and what do we have in Georgia?? POLLEN. EVERYWHERE. Snow angels? Forget it, what about pollen angels? Because you could absolutely make them. Anywhere you wanted. The whole world: cars, houses, streets, people... is coated in a layer of yellow. And Spring has indeed sprung. Here is a picture of my shoes after walking from the church to the car:
And as always, the church sign of the week:
"Party in Hell cancelled due to fire"
We had quite the eventful week this week: so much good, and a little sorrow. On Wednesday, we met at the church for a meeting and were told that one of the families in the other ward had gotten in an accident with their moving truck. An oncoming truck was taking up too much of the road, and she swerved to avoid it. A back wheel went off the road, and she over-corrected. The truck pinwheeled, and flipped three times. It was completely demolished. I have never seen anything like that in my life. And all of their belongings were strewn in a muddy ditch. All of us missionaries plus other members ended up going out to help. And we got special permission from the President to stay late. We ended up filling up an entire dump truck full of ruined things, and we got home around 11:30. It was amazingly sad. But such a miracle because no one was seriously hurt. It was such a testimony-building moment for me of one of the many reasons why Heavenly Father has set up His church in this way. Within a few minutes, and a few phone calls, about 40 members showed up and got to work. Charity is the pure love of Christ. And there is nowhere that I get to see it more than in His church. I love it.
I included pictures because words don't really capture it:
The rest of the week was pretty wonderful and I will include some very poorly-structured snapshots from my brain:
C and her friend D coming to our Book of Mormon class that we hold every Thursday. We sit around in a circle of chairs, and read, and talk and smile and laugh and cry.
The amazing B. That first lesson sitting at the kitchen table in that adorable blue house with the white trim and white porch and white rocking chairs on Oliver St., holding hands and just crying our eyes out. Her eyes piercing me to the very core. Like Dumbledore eyes, ya know? Talking about cooking, and fried chicken, and Christ. During the second lesson she cooked us fried chicken, rice, collard greens, corn, and sour cream biscuits. YUM. Halfway through our lunch, she started singing her "testimony song" right there at the table, old-black woman gospel-style. Doesn't get much better than that.
Ms. H wanting to work towards baptism on the 26th of April because she wants to make sure she's "right with God." She prayed to know if what we were saying was true, and the thought that came into her mind was: "You already know."
Having major street cred here in Valdosta. Oh yeah, people know us. It's awesome to be stopped when you're driving/walking around the south side, people hollering "Sisters!" Whether it be T on his bike, pulling his "buggy" filled with food or A on her front porch.
Sitting on that big, cozy couch in the W's living room, teaching the Plan of Salvation. And then teaching the squirrel song to L-bean, the one my mom teaches to her preschoolers.
Life is good. I see miracles every day. I see the true change that people experience when they believe in God and trust that He has a plan for them. When they begin to realize that there is so much more to this life. When they become happier, and that happiness changes everything. I love you all. Go give someone a hug today. The world is a beautiful place filled with people that are even more beautiful.
Sister Szilagyi
This is my favorite store in Valdosta: