Hello world! How is it out there? Is it cold? Is it scary? Because here in Georgia it is just as toasty as a piece of toast. And perfectly pleasant with no scary things. Okay, a few scary things, but I am very brave.
Another great week. Because every week is a great one if you want it to be. Here are some fun events that I wanted to share with your lovely faces:
The first story is called: "The day when we got fed three meals in a row and I ate so much that I spent the night in the bathroom." That's pretty much the extent of the story but I guess I'll provide some details. So, the reason why we scheduled three meals in a row is because two of these meals were with couples where one is a member and the other isn't, and we are teaching them. And they could only have us over on this particular day. So we just told ourselves that we would make it work. And we sort of did. I mean, I had to loosen my belt three times throughout the night/remove a safety pin that I was using because my skirt was too big. WELL, not after 2 and a half meals it wasn't. Anywho, by the time we got home, I wasn't feeling super great but my plan was to just sleep it off. And I almost did, except for at one in the morning, I awoke and just felt like, "NOPE." And ran to the bathroom. My head and the toilet had a fun hangout. The end.
The W Family. Oh man, they are so great. I can't remember if I have told y'all about them yet, but they are the ones with 8 kids, 4 from her previous marriage, 3 from his, and they have 1 together. Anyway, we decided that this week when we went over, we were going to have the family act out the story from the Book of Mormon where Nephi retrieves the gold plates from Laban. And oh boy, was it a hit. Everyone got involved, even dad. The best part was that at Book of Mormon class the night before, we had been reading in 1 Nephi Chapter 2 and Mama W (who is a loud, blond, ex-cheerleader/hilarious interior designer), was reading verse 16 out loud and this is what happened: "I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature... Hey! That's K!" K is her 15 year old son who looks like he is 22. Seriously, he has a beard and everything and looks like an NFL player. So K played Nephi, and we had the rest of the kids play various characters. Things got particularly exciting when O (age 8 going on 30), was dramatically passed out on the ground as Laban and K cut off his head with a pillow. They are just the best family. And they are all praying about baptism!
The last story is called: "Let's go check out the Azalea Festival and see if there is anyone we can talk to. Wait 20,000 people come to this???" Yeah, this festival which is located in Valdosta, GA right near VSU, is held once a year, and there were SO MANY PEOPLE. Frankly, it was a bit overwhelming. But we did our best, and were able to talk to tons of people and teach many lessons. It was awesome. Plus, we were invited to two parties. Holla. But seriously, we had some amazing miracles. My personal favorite was J. He is one of the volunteers with the Air Force that was helping out with the festival. Sis Waddoups and I were walking down the sidewalk, when we passed him and he actually turned around and ran to us. He pointed at our nametags and asked if we were missionaries. We said yes, and then he told us that he was Mormon and had just moved to Georgia and was trying to find the closest church building! He was so excited to see us and we were so excited to meet us! It was clear that he hadn't been to church/involved in a while and the fact that he stopped and approached us was super awesome. We were able to give him all the info he needed and a new Book of Mormon. It was a wonderful miracle.
I am just trying to soak up every moment of this wonderful time that already feels like it's going by too quickly. But I am one happy camper. Today, don't forget that you have a Father in Heaven that loves you, and a Savior who walks beside you. Also, I just wanted to give a shout out to my Dad and new Step-Mom, Keather! Happy Wedding! Can't believe that I finally get to live out my childhood dream of being Cinderella. Except that my stepmother is kind of the opposite of evil. In fact, she's pretty amazing. Love you both!
Love y'all bunches!
Sister Szilagyi
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