Sunday, February 23, 2014

Perfect Love

What. A. Week.
Man alive, I can't even begin to describe my life right now. IT'S THAT GREAT.

#1: E was baptized on Saturday!! Yayyyyy!!! So happy! She is just the best, and I'm so happy for her! Everything went perfectly, and her testimony that she gave after her baptism was just the sweetest thing ya ever did hear. She spoke in Spanish and her uncle translated for her. She talked about how thankful she was that "the sisters could come and teach her about the truth." Have I mentioned how much I loved being a missionary lately?

#2: Elder Christian went home... sadness. He was a fantastic district leader and we'll all miss his guts, but I think his mom has been missing him a bit more after 2 years without him.

#3: We had transfers and no one in our little apartment of sisters got transferred! Which means that it's going to be another 6 weeks (at the least) with these 3 fantastic missionaries, living in the wonderful Valdosta, and teaching the amazing people that have become such great friends!

#4: Sister Waddoups got strep throat and then recovered extremely quickly after a blessing from the elders. We were all so thankful because E was going to be baptized at the end of the week and as Sister Waddoups said, "I wouldn't miss that for the world! I would have dragged myself there if I had to!"

#5: We're without a vehicle at the moment because Sister Waddoups may or may not have bottomed out in a sketchy parking lot in Morven. We're talking human-sized pot holes people!

#6: During the aforementioned sickness, Sister Jeppson and I took the other sister's car and painted the town red! Just kidding, we took the car, and because Sister Tevi was unable to walk because of a hurt knee, Sister Jeppson and I left our poor invalid senior companions at home, and visited appointments that we had scheduled. The work must go on!

#7: As many of you may have realized, Sister Waddoups (the senior companion) drives the car whenever we use it and because of this, I hadn't driven a car in over 3 months. Well.... I managed to make the car alarm go off several times, as well as kill the car battery. In my defense, our battery needs to be replaced, but it was never the less, rather embarrassing. Especially in pouring rain.

So much wonderfulness here people. I love it. Heavenly Father has blessed me so much. I feel as though every day I have the chance to become a better person than I was the day before. And I get to help people come closer to Christ, which provides them with true happiness, hope, and love. Not the Valentine's Day candy aisle in Walmart love either, the real kind. The perfect kind. Perfect love. That's the kind that you can only find in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father has that kind of love for each of us. No conditions, no exceptions. He has perfect love for each of His children. And I think that's something that everyone should know about.

I love you all so very much.
Thank you for being part of my adventure.

Sister Szilagyi

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