Monday, August 18, 2014

Fudge and Hugs

Hello hello hello!

I'm going to postpone the church sign till next week because someone was a loser and forgot her planner at home.... Ooops.

But.... Holy miracles Batman! SO MANY MIRACLES!!!!!

So our district decided to try something that I've never participated in, which is a "40 day fast" as a District. This means that for this period of time (or 33 days, because that's how many days left we had in the transfer) we decided that each person in our district would fast for a period of 24 hours, taking turns. So essentially, one person from our district would be fasting for that amount of time. We wanted miracles, we needed them. And we knew this was the way to do it. And so we began. The miracles have been outstanding.

#1: A got baptized!!!! Yayy! Holy cow, she is the cutest thing on planet earth. I sent pictures so that you can agree with me. Her baptism went super well, even though the hot water sort of broke, but then we fixed it. And it was the most well-attended baptism I have ever held. So many ward members came to support her :)

#2: Remember J? The cutest, most wonderful 70 year old lady who is the only person I've ever met that was actually born and raised and still lives in Grovetown? Well she's getting baptized on the 30th!!! She is so excited, and told us that after 70 years of searching in faith, she has finally found it. There were tears everywhere people. We asked her if she wanted to be baptized and as soon as she said "Yes" she said that the strongest feeling came over her, telling her that what she was doing was right. In her words: "I was just talking with F last night about how I didn't know if I was ready. I didn't know that I was going to say yes! But as soon as it came out of my mouth, I knew it was right! Alright F, out with the tea!" Holy cow, I love her so much. She calls us her "suga babies" and she makes us fudge, and hugs us real tight, and.... I just plum love her okay? And she loves the church so much. I can't wait for her baptism.

#3: M came to church! And he had a great time. He's the one that we met outside his garage. He is just wonderful. He actually texted us this week and asked if we were coming by. He keeps talking about how he wants to learn more, and we're so happy for him. He is great. Also, watching him duck through every doorway in the church building was pretty entertaining. Him and Sis Arrieta were sitting next to each other in Sacrament Meeting, and when we stood up to sing, I couldn't help but giggle. The juxtaposition between those two was just so great. She's half his height...

#4: We had an amazing less-active family we've been working with attend church for the first time in months and months. And we were so happy to see them. They are such a great family.

You get the idea. Basically, Heavenly Father is amazing and we are so excited about the work here. THE WORK IS HASTENING! I can't wait to see what else He has in store for us.

Happy happy joy joy over here. Even in this heat ;)
Love you all!!!
Sister Szilagyi

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