Monday, August 18, 2014

I Refuse to Melt!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhooooood, will you be mine? Will you be mine? Will you be my neighbor?
That's how that goes, right? I can't exactly remember...

Anywho, hello neighbors! Another wonderful week in Grovetown has come and gone, and we are almost done with another transfer! Time sure does fly!

We have been seeing just SO MANY MIRACLES here, it is ridiculous! We are so blessed. We had three (four including one child) investigators come to church again this week. I and two of her daughters were able to make it! We were very happy.

I don't know if I've talked about I and her family yet, but I will do a quick recap. Sister Applegate and I were on exchanges here in Grovetown and came upon M who was sitting outside his garage looking a bit downtrodden, so we walked on over. "Are you okay?" we asked, and he responded that he was just tired. We talked to him for a bit and asked if we could come over and a share a message with his family. He said that that would be fine, but that he had "kind of a full house right now. Me, my sister, our kids, and my mom. Who's a pastor." So yeah, nine people in all. And they are amazing. We've been able to a few lessons with them that have all been a bit loud haha, and they have wonderful questions and comments. I and M both are very knowledgeable when it comes to the Bible and Christianity, so they definitely keep us on our toes. They came over family home evening at the K's house on Monday, and that went really well. Good thing, the K's house is giant. Anyway, I hope that things will continue to progress with them, they are such an amazing family.

Speaking of the K's, can we talk about them for a minute? I love their family so much. They have three kids: B, O, and L. And they are nuts. And so wonderful. L, who is 3, is absolutely hilarious. We were at dinner at their house and I want you to imagine this scene: L, with nothing on but a diaper, leaning over a pile of chocolate chips, which he gathers into a pile close to him... he then leans down, softly snuggles the chips, and whispers, "I love you chocolate chips." Hahahah, he is a hoot. Or when he told Sister Walker: "I love your teamwork!" when she washed the all the dishes. Children are the best.

The work is really progressing here, and I am so glad to be a part of it. Things are still hot as ever, getting progressively toastier actually. (It was 107 degrees with the humidity one day this week.) But I refuse to melt! We will prevail! I love you all! Happy almost-August! Whatttttt??? When did that happen!

Sister Szilagyi

P.S. One of my favorite families who just moved into the ward are the H's. They are from Washington and are Anyway, Sister H, who has the voice of an angel, recently told me that a woman that I know in the Harlem Ward is Sally DeFord's daughter. Yepp. That is not going to mean a lot to most of you, but for those of you that understand, you'll understand why I had a little freakout moment. Also, she has bright blue hair. It's awesome.

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