Monday, October 13, 2014

Nephi's Challenge

And once again, Sister Szilagyi races against the clock of the library computer to try to jot down her week!

Here it goes:

1) I learned how to make lumpia! Sure did. If you are not familiar with this delicious Filipino food, Google it. Sister S taught us how to make it last P-Day and told us that she was teaching us so that we could get good husbands haha. In her words, "It worked for me!"

2) Miracles happened! R made it to church this week (he lives with the J/T girls), and so did C and the kids. I love those guys!

3) I went on an exchange with the adorable and wonderful Sister Winward and we were able to find 3 new investigators! (Including a guy who was out cleaning his car and that we attended up talking to for 45 min in his parking lot.)

4) My mom sent me a link to the "Nephi's Challenge" that my home ward is doing in Kirkland... and I could not be more proud to be a member of K1! Holy cow, that is the coolest thing on planet earth and I am so proud of y'all! Keep being amazing and helping the work hasten along! Every missionary out there (all 88,000 of us) would do anything to be able to serve in a ward like K1. Hoo-rah!

I love you all. I'm sorry this email is so lame. I promise that more things happened. Smile! The world is a beautiful place!

Until next week,
Sister Szilagyi

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