Merry Christmas from Southern Georgia!
Going Christmas caroling may feel ridiculous when it is 75 degrees outside, but if it keeps people from slamming the door on you, I'm all for it! This week, we've been Christmas caroling almost every day with the other sisters and elders and let me tell you, I'm having the time of my life. If I could sing on every door step, I would. So much better than talking, even though y'all know that I like that too.
All in all, this week has been an extremely merry one. Maybe it's the Christmas spirit, but we've been able to talk to so many amazing people this week.
Wonderful moments from this week:
-We were invited to a Christmas party at my very favorite house in Valdosta (I was so happy. We had knocked there once before and I remember thinking: "This is my dream house." And we actually got to go inside and meet so many kind people.)
-After teaching one lesson with A's cousin, B, she told us that she wanted to be baptized! We're so excited for B. And it'll be on Jan 1st, on her Grandpa's birthday. Can't think of a better way to start the new year.
-We were caroling this week at M's home (one of the member's who has had a stroke) and as we were outside, a few people passed us on the street and we didn't think much of it. Later that afternoon, as we were visiting some people, we stopped by a ladies' house who wasn't home. As we were getting out of the car, we noticed a woman walking out of her house. We almost didn't talk to her, but we decided to take the opportunity to speak with her. By the way, we call these encounters referrals from the Lord :) Anyway, we said hello and she recognized us. She had been one of the people that had passed us as were singing at M's. She said that she had locked herself out of her house, and was walking to a friend's when she passed us. As she walked by, she wondered why we had never stopped at her place and she hoped that she would. And there we were, standing in her front yard, and she was so happy to see us. We told her what church we were from and she told us her daughter is Mormon. She invited us inside and we found out that she had been to church with her daughter multiple times, and when we asked her if she had enjoyed it, she looked at me and said, "Did I enjoy it?? Did I ever!" She then asked us what time we were stopping by next to come study with her, and as we were about to leave, asked us to say a prayer with her. For all of those unaware, she basically walked us through every single step that we as missionaries try to include in a lesson. She's amazing. And the Lord perfectly prepared her, as well as us. When we covenant with the Lord that we will be at a certain place at a certain time, He is able to place people into our paths that we are supposed to meet. How grateful I am for His power in orchestrating His kingdom. This theme of meeting people at the perfect time happened again and again this week. We went to multiple people's houses looking for them, and instead met people that we were able to share the gospel with.
-One of my favorite moments from this week happened when we went over to the C's. I can't remember if I've mentioned them before, but they are an amazing family from Guatemala. The gang includes: Bro and Sis C, E (21), S (12), A (10), and Leo (24 in human years). Leo is an adorable basset hound. Their niece, E.D., was taught all of the lessons with previous missionaries, but she only speaks Spanish and she did not understand most of what they taught. So we decided to start from the beginning, and have Bro C translate. Never have I ever wanted to speak Spanish more than that lesson (I'm still bitter at you Mom and Dad who both speak Spanish!). Anywho, we taught the restoration and it went perfectly. At the end, I felt inspired to ask E.D. if she has already prayed about what we had been teaching her and she nodded and said, "Si." I asked her if she had received an answer to her prayers, and she told us that she had. It was when her new baby boy had been blessed. She said that in that moment, she knew that this was Christ's true church and the Book of Mormon was true. She is going to be baptized on the 11th of January. During our lesson, Sister C came and sat at the table. When we were talking about baptism, she told us her conversion story. It was beautiful. She was raised Catholic, and had known that her religion was the truth. However, she explained that she had never felt the Spirit, and didn't know what people were talking about when they said that they were "feeling" something at church. It wasn't until she went to her cousin's baptism that she felt something. As her cousin was getting into the water, she said she felt very warm and she began to cry. She said it scared her, and she didn't know what was going on. She kept crying, and finally gained enough composure to call the missionaries. When they answered, she asked if she could be baptized the next day. Their family is so wonderful. The spirit was so strong sitting at that dinner table that day.
As Christmas is approaching, I am continually reminded of the beauty of His atonement. And the beauty of seeing our brothers and sisters through His eyes. Through faith in Him and through accessing His atonement, we can accomplish anything. We can become better mothers, better fathers, better sisters, better brothers, better daughters, and better sons. Our Heavenly Father sees our infinite potential. And through faith in Him and His son, we can live up to that potential.
I'll leave you with a final thought that I had about faith this week: Why do we believe and accept the principle of gravity so readily, and not faith? We cannot see gravity, we see it's effects. We cannot see faith, we see it's effects. Why, then, does one principle or law carry more validity than the other? I urge y'all this week to look for the effects of faith this week. Look for the beautiful moments and beautiful people that God has placed into our lives. And notice how He is perfectly aware of your needs, your wants, and your heart. Take a moment to explore your own faith. And if you want to take a moment and explore mine, please visit And please don't hesitate to write to me and ask me any questions you have.
I love my Savior. And I love His gospel. Thank y'all for all of the good that you do, and the faith you possess. My prayers are with you always.
-Sister Szilagyi
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