This week I was a bit of a sicko. I think they call it "The Black Plague". Just kidding, but I was slightly under the weather. However, I am on the mend now so no need to fear. Many miracles happened around this beautiful time of year and here are a few of them:
We went to visit a woman that had been visited by previous missionaries, but there was no answer. We began to walk back to the car, when I felt like we should knock on her neighbor's door. I almost ignored the feeling, but as I looked at his front door, I felt a little happy feeling in my heart, so I told Sis. Waddoups that we should knock on it. We went over, and right inside his house, sat T fixing his radio. He's a 60-something year old man, and he was sitting there behind his screen door, just working away. We knocked and as he looked up, Sis. Waddoups asked him what he was doing. That simple question was all it took for him to open up, and we spent the next 20 minutes talking about religion, his beliefs, and ours. We found out that he had visited our church with his son in the past, and we're headed back to his place this week.
Another experience happened later that evening as were trying to find streets to knock. It was about 8:00 PM and Sister Waddoups and I were plum tuckered out. We were both starting to feel sick, and knocking on random doors did not seem like our most fun activity at the moment. We drove down several streets, and finally found one that had a couple of lit houses. We stopped in front of one that was adorably decorated with a beautiful red M on the door. I said a little prayer to give me strength, and Sis. Waddoups and I approached the door. What subsequently followed was probably the best door experience that I've had. A lovely young couple answered the door and talked to us for a good while about faith, and we they told us that they were Methodist. We eventually gave them a card, with our phone number, and left. After knocking on the rest of the lit homes in the neighborhood, we were in our car, about to leave, when the man (who had made up one half of the lovely couple) came running out of his house towards us. He asked if we had some time, and could we come in and talk to them for a while? We were able to talk to them for a good long while, and hope to see them again soon.
A couple days later, we were visiting a woman from church, and as we drove into her apartment complex, we waved at a woman who was walking from her car. She waved back very excitedly and Sis Waddoups and I both looked at each other in surprise. No one waves at us that happily, it just doesn't happen. We got out of our car and she said, "Y'all from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? I love y'all!' And then slammed her door. We were rather perplexed. So after knocking on the woman's door who we came to see, and getting no answer, we knocked on the happy waver's door. Her son answered the door and invited us right in. We were quickly introduced to N, who we found out used to attend our church. Things that N said before we left: "I cannot believe that they are sending girls out here! Ooooheeee, I just can't believe it!" And "If I find our y'all are riding bikes, I'll run down to that church with a pitchfork!" As well as "Gurl, who has been feedin' you? You need a cheeseburger." She is a wonderful soul. And she gives out candy to all of the neighborhood children. As we were leaving, we noticed that we had about 8 kids crowded around the back of our car. I told them that, "Y'all better back up, cause I want you to live!" And one little boy looked at me and said, "I know you want us to live, y'all are the Jesus Christ people!" And one boy, who looked about 5 told me that I had "pretty hur." Which was just adorable. Man, those kids plum broke my heart. They just wanted some lovin'.
As we're headed into the new year, I have been thinking about how much my own life has changed in this past year.
This Sunday, I was reminded that instead of coming up with resolutions, I should come up with real solutions. I am so grateful for this gospel for providing me with real solutions to a life that provides us with real questions and real difficulties. I love my Savior, and I love His work.
If you have a moment, I strongly suggest watching this puppy.
It's a wonderful New Year's video. You should watch it.
I love you all.
Sister Szilagyi
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