Monday, September 29, 2014

A Box Full of Blessings

Hello hello hello!

Well guess what folks.....? This weekend is GENERAL CONFERENCE! For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about, General Conference happens twice a year in our church, held in Utah and broadcast all over the world. During this conference, we are able to hear the prophet, apostles, and other leaders in our church speak on various gospel topics. And it's pretty much the best thing on planet earth. So if you have any questions about life, anything that is on your mind, or you are simply interested in watching and listening, go to on Saturday and Sunday and you can watch it yourself! And the best way to watch is by writing down a question or two first. I promise you that every question that you have will be answered. Because God loves you and knows you and He speaks to us through His chosen servants. It's as simple as that :)

To put things into perspective, this is the Superbowl for us missionaries. (And really it's way more important and amazing, but you get the idea).

So basically, I am one happy camper.

This week had its ups and downs, just like every other week. But I'm loving every second!
I mostly sent pictures this week, so forgive my lack of words. Library computers are rather slow. But better than no computers at all!

I love you all so much. As we are coming into fall, I think about all of the wonderful traditions of family and friends that I so took for granted. So coming from a missionary who is not with hers right now, would you do me a favor and tell your family that you love them today? Maybe even give them a hug if you can.

And last thing:
To paraphrase Elder Uchtdorf's remarks from the general women's meeting Saturday night:

Sometimes we think that God requires too much of us. He has too many commandments and too many rules. And He has a box full of blessings locked up in a cloud somewhere that He is waiting to pour down on us until we are perfect. In reality, God is ALWAYS raining blessings on us. It is our sin, our doubt, etc. that become umbrellas that we open above our heads, blocking those blessings. So let us close our umbrellas and dance in the rain.

Sister Szilagyi

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