Monday, September 29, 2014

The Best Feeling

"Friends don't let friends die without Jesus"

Yepp. Grovetown, GA. Where we have church signs like that and license plates that read "WISEGOD" and bumper stickers that read: "This girl loves boots, guns, and Jesus."

What's new this side of the Mississippi? Well, it's actually cooling down, which is such a blessing. Those poor elders on bikes. It's been staying in the 80's, beautiful and sunny, with a slight breeze. Pretty perfect.

Weeks are flying by. Last night I had this horrible dream where I thought that I was going to a meeting, but I was actually going to the airport to go home. And I was so upset because I kept telling people that I wasn't ready to leave and my 18 months weren't up yet. Then the missionary next to me said, "Sister Szilagyi, yes they are," and counted them with me. And I realized that they were right. And I was so sad. Hopefully that made sense.
The point is, that I am irrationally stressed about my time running out, and having to go home, even though I have months and months left.

I love my mission. Have I mentioned that lately?

Miracles continue to occur. I have felt changes in my own heart this week, that I have been so thankful for. I have felt the power of prayer and have felt moments of inspiration where I know God is listening to me and that He loves me. And that is the best feeling in the world.

- This week, we stopped my a less-active members' house who told us that every time she has a major exam or something stressful at work coming up, we always show up at her door.

- We met with K and her sister D, the adorable 11 and 15 year old Filipina girls. During one of our lessons, we gave them a pamphlet that explained the Plan of Salvation and invited them to write down any questions they had and then read the pamphlet. We came back and were able to teach K. This 11 year old girl had written down her questions, filling up two pieces of notebook paper and had carefully written her answers beneath each one. She opened her pamphlet and showed us how she had highlighted all of the things she loved and the little notes she had written. She told us that after she had read it, she had had the best day and didn't know why but she had just been smiling and smiling. She said "I know that book is true!" We then went through her questions and the lesson, and during this explained to her that before she came to this earth, she had lived with Heavenly Father and had chosen His plan to come to earth. K sat there and then leaned forward and asked, "Does that mean I said Yes??" We told her that it did and she sat there with a biggest smile on her face. This little being is one of the sweetest, brightest, children that I have ever met. And I love her with all of my heart.

Often times, as we get older, I think that we get in our own way. We have distractions and desires that are not in line with His will for us. Because of this, we can get in the way of feeling the Spirit. Children have the most beautiful and simplistic way of reminding us of what really matters.

I love you all. Take some time and go talk with a child today. They will amaze you.
Sister Szilagyi

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