Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Drinking the Air

Hello beautiful people!

I am sitting at a computer in the library in Georgia, while rain is pouring down all around me. Rain that is warm like a shower. Rain that soaks you to the bone in approximately 2 seconds. Rain that is much appreciated when you go outside and it feels like you are drinking the air.

Also, after district meeting this week, all of us missionaries went to Huddle House to eat lunch. Our waitress had a GRITS tattooed on her left forearm. Welcome to the South. I love it.

This week was a great one. We had 3 people come to church with us yesterday, which was pretty wonderful (five if you count little S who is almost 5, and A who is one month old). B and her daughter S came, and T and C, and their brand spankin' new adorable baby girl. Sidenote: never have I ever seen a young dad love his baby more than C loves A. It is the sweetest thing on planet earth.

Saturday night, we had stopped by to see T and C and invited them to come to church the next day with a question in mind. We told them that we promised that if they came with a question, that question would be answered. After Sacrament Meeting on Sunday, we went up to say hello to them (they were sitting in the back with A) and Sister Arrieta asked C about his question. He told her that his question had been answered in less than five minutes :)

That is what happens when something is true. You can have the utmost confidence in it because it is true. I know that Heavenly Father loves every single one of His children. And I know that this is His church. And because I know those things, I know that He will answer C's question when he comes to church. Just like He will answer all of our questions when we ask sincerely and have an open heart and mind.

I am so grateful to be a missionary. I love it with every fiber of my being.

Sister Szilagyi

P.S. Also, I have a few people that I call "best friend" and one of them is now engaged. So I wanted to wish my best friend, Alivia Burnham, congratulations. Kyle is one lucky guy :)

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