To begin, church signs for the week:
"Come to church, Don't wait for the hearse to bring you"
"Try Jesus, One size fits all"
Scare tactics? Appealing to the modern day consumer society? What will these churches come up with next?
Well, this week has been an interesting one. As some of you know, I haven't been feeling too well for the last transfer or so (about 6 weeks), and this week, my body wasn't having it. I've been waking up feeling nauseous and having my stomach (maybe intestines?) hurt, which has made me, as you may have guessed, extremely frustrated. Because it impacts how well I can work. And that does not make me a happier camper. Hopefully things will improve however, and I can go back to being me! I have never been one to petition prayers on my behalf, but they would be much appreciated. Because it's not just me that's hurting...
On a happier note, we've been working hard to find young adults to teach and visiting less actives to bring back to church to help our little branch grow! And it will grow! Of that I have the utmost faith :) We have already seen so many miracles!
Some stories from this week:
- Remember the W family? They have tons of kids and a huge Mastiff named Leonard? And I love them so much? Well we hadn't been able to get in contact with them for a while, and FINALLY found out that E (the mom) has been really sick. She's been exhausted, losing hair, the works. They think it might be Lupus :( Anyway, we told her that the elders would love to come over and give her a blessing of healing and comfort, and she said she would love one. We took the elders over to see her, and it was a wonderful experience. Elder Gearheart gave her a beautiful blessing, during which L was perfectly silent. Keep in mind that L (age 2) has never been quiet in any prayer we have ever said with them. Afterwards, E looked up and said that she felt so much better. She said: "You know when you have that feeling that you're doing the right thing? Like you make a decision and it feels so right inside? Well that's how I feel right now. That warm, happy feeling." Tears began to fill her eyes, and it was in a word: beautiful.
- We were walking down the street to a referrals house and stopped because something wonderful was tickling my nostrils. That something wonderful was incense burning in a display in the front lawn of the house we were closest to, the one that had adorable little elephants on top of their mailbox. Well their garage door was open, and we look inside and see two Indian women cooking. What followed was a lovely discussion about Krishna, and India... and we left holding two carryout containers of fresh, warm, homemade Indian food. Awesome.
-So late last year, the elders baptized this boy named R, whose Mom is really less active. And his mom got really offended because of some things that weren't handled all that well, and told the elders that they couldn't come by to see him anymore. And he couldn't go to scouts anymore or church. The elders were obviously pretty sad because they love this kid. Anyway, Sister de St. Jeor, B (the new Relief Society president in our YSA branch and super rockstar), and I were visiting less actives yesterday, and stopped by to see this woman named D. Well one thing led to another, and we found ourselves inside on their couch, talking to her, her sister, and her mom. Then, we find out that the woman sitting right next to me is R's mom! What?? We taught an amazing lesson with them, and she agreed to have us come back and teach the lessons from the beginning, and to all come to church on Sunday! Miracles :)
The world is bright. Happiness abounds. God is good. And I love you all.
Sister Szilagyi
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