This week I received emails from various friends who are on missions all over the world that began with the words: WHAT A WEEK.
And boy, I don't know what Heavenly Father was doing up there, but I guess we all had that kind of week, because WHAT A WEEK.
I'm not even quite sure where to begin... I guess I'll start off by saying that the two wards (congregations) that meet in Valdosta have been combined into one ward! And..... they created a Young Single Adult Branch! And guess which missionaries are assigned to that branch? Well, you're looking at them! (Well I guess you're looking at my words, and I guess only one half of the missionaries haha, but...) Sister de St. Jeor and I are officially the new YSA missionaries in Valdosta! President and Sister Cottle (my mission president and his wife) happened to stop by our ward on Sunday and witness all of the changes that were happening. The amazing part was that they had no idea this was going on, but had just felt like they should stop by our ward on the way up to Macon. Anyway, after sacrament meeting, we had a quick impromptu meeting with the 4 sets of missionaries. President told us that he had had no idea that this was going on and had no time to think about what the changes should be. And then he quickly turned to me and Sister de St. Jeor and told that we would be the new YSA missionaries. To which Sister Cottle said, "Wow! That's the fastest inspiration he's ever received!"
I have no idea what this really means for our missionary work, or how this is going to change my daily life, but I know things will change! But I am so excited, seriously excited! I have wanted to work in a Young Single Adult ward/branch since I started my mission, and I can't wait for many mighty miracles to come from this!
This week was a bit of a frustrating one with our current investigators... People just kept cancelling on us or no-showing us, and so I said, alright.... if y'all don't want to talk to us, we'll go find some people that do! So we spent most of the week talking to as many people as we could and sharing the message of Jesus Christ! And it actually ended up being pretty great! Because although you can't control others agency or actions, you CAN control your own. And I have the choice over what attitude I want to have, and how hard I am going to work, and that's that.
Some snapshots from my week:
-Church sign: "Don't give up, Moses was a basket case too" YES
-I bid $50 (of other people's money) on a scrumptious pound cake at the cake auction the ward had to raise money for Boy Scout Camp. And let me tell you, it was worth every penny. We've had it for pretty much every meal since. I promise I also eat fruits and vegetables.
-The song that my mom and I sang at my "farewell"? Well, it had been stuck in my head for over a week and I could not remember all of the lyrics, and it was driving me crazy. Well, guess who sent me a letter with all of the lyrics printed inside? The forever amazing Sister Tryon. Tender mercies. I love that woman.
-A family just moved into the ward whose mom grew up in Kirkland 1st Ward! We know the same people! So awesome. Her name is Sister Moore, and I can't remember her first name but I'll tell you next week if I remember...
-It is just a tad bit toasty/muggy down here.... I may or may not have sweated through my skirt the other day. Too much information? Maybe. The truth? Absolutely.
I love you all!
Smile, you are a beautiful child of God.
-Sister Szilagyi
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